Become A Smart Community Using Tools You Have, But Probably Don’t Know About

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Cities and counties everywhere face similar challenges in trying to deliver services more efficiently, while at the same time increasing transparency and engagement with businesses and citizens. Over the last 2 years, Esri has been working with executives from state, county, and city governments from across the US representing a variety of different sized jurisdictions for formalized brainstorming sessions to uncover the most common problems they face. As a result, Esri created 150+ solutions that address issues across all government departments and provides these solutions, at no additional cost, to government customers so that any community can have the tools to become a smart community. The solutions help streamline both internal processes as well as external communication with citizens.

Setting up a public-facing website to share your authoritative data with businesses and citizens is another way to increase transparency and engagement. Creating an open data web site might sound daunting, but it only takes a few minutes using ArcGIS Open Data, an Esri hosted and managed solution that is included with ArcGIS Online.

Join this on-demand training to get an inside-look on the review of ArcGIS for Local Government app templates, developed especially for local government and ArcGIS for Open Data, and see an illustration of how local governments are using these tools to dramatically increase effectiveness and outreach in the community.

Speakers include:

  • Christopher Thomas, Director of Government Markets at Esri
  • Brenda Wolfe, Industry Manager, Strategic Government Initiatives at Esri

Want more information? Read our event recap, blog on the case studies, and check out additional Esri information to learn more about ArcGIS: