State and local governments face a lot of challenges: shrinking budgets, federal mandates, resource constraints, an aging workforce, and the constant threat of a cyberattack.
In our State and Local Tech Trends Virtual Training we share specific state and local gov challenges and show how advanced technology and innovative practices can help government overcome challenges.
This event is now on-demand and features five live training webinars on the biggest tech trends in government including cloud, big data and more. Each training highlights:
- Current challenges facing state and local governments around big data, cloud, data management and analytics.
- Lessons learned from leaders in organizations that have successfully overcome those challenges.
- Concrete best practices to bring back to your organization.
Identifying Challenges at Your Level – In this training, experts from National Association of Counties (NACo) and National Association of of Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) will discuss these current challenges and provide examples of state and local organizations around the country who are successfully overcoming these challenges through the use of innovative technology and leadership.
Stu Davis – State CIO and Assistant Director at Ohio Department of Administrative Services, Office of Information Technology
Emilia Istrate, PhD – Director of Research and Outreach, National Association of Counties (NACo)
How the City of Boston Built a Culture of Data-Driven Decisions – State and local government have a lot of data and it’s only growing in complexity and volume. But where there’s data, there’s more opportunities to make better informed decisions that improve your community. The challenge lies in making sense of the data. In this training, learn how the City of Boston did just that.
Kelly Jin – Data Visualization, Citywide Analytics Team, City of Boston
Christine Carmichael – Marketing Director, Government and Education at Tableau Software
You Have Your Data, Now What?
In recent years, few terms have been as overused and misunderstood as “big data.” People often focus on the “big” – but what organizations are truly struggling with is the variety. “Data” is no longer even limited just to structured information– it’s spreadsheets, emails, reports, social media, video, sensor feeds, etc. And in today’s “big data” environment, the challenge is how to combine, store, search, and analyze all this information – and make it available to those who need it, on a variety of platforms including mobile devices.
Michelle Gore – Chief Data Officer, State of Colorado
Philip Paz – Senior Sales Engineer, SLED, MarkLogic
How Henrico County, VA Improved Their Public Safety Services
As counties grow in population, the number of services tied to 911 centers also grows – which means increased workloads and slower response time. But imagine being able to improve dispatch response time to residents and public safety staff without adding resources? Henrico County, VA has revolutionized their 911 dispatch system’s infrastructure system using NetApp’s Cluster Data ONTAP system.
Brian Viscuso – County of Henrico, Department of Information Technology
Matt Lawson – Principal Architect, NetApp
Chris Estes, Chief Information Officer, State of North Carolina
What’s on the horizon for state and local government when it comes to digital services? How can government be transformed through collaboration and a consolidated approach to IT? How can technology enable better customer service?