5 Things You Should Do At the Start of Each Work Day

“Nothing will work unless you do.” – Maya Angelou

1. Arrive to work a little before your scheduled time

Arriving to work a little early helps your mindset for the entire day. When you are able to get a jump start on your work day, you are able to navigate your day a little easier.

2.Organize your day

The beginning of your work day is the best time to focus on what you absolutely must get done. Making a checklist is a great way to make sure your accomplish your tasks.

3.Take a moment to pause

Once you arrive to work, take a few minutes to ready yourself for the day ahead. Oftentimes, if you are commuting, you may arrive to work at the exact time you should begin work. If that is the case, then taking a moment to settle in will help you throughout your day.

4. Make a list of what you are grateful for

Writing has been known to be very therapeutic. So take time to write down in the morning what you are grateful for. When you are able to focus on the good in your life, it will help you combat stressful situations in your work day.

5.Check in with your colleagues

As humans, we are social creatures and studies show that when we make time to socialize we experience greater happiness. Simply smiling and saying a quick good morning to your colleague can do wonders for the rest of your day.

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