Dealing With Conflicts at the Workplace

Conflict is an inherent part of any workplace. A sharp disagreement or opposition of interests and ideas are part of businesses. However, when it occurs, the morale of the employees will be lowered. Absenteeism will be much higher and the production will decrease. Managing and resolving the workplace conflicts is one of the biggest challenge before the employees and the managers. There are two possible responses to the conflict: run away from the situation or fight the situation.

Running away from the conflict will never resolve the matter. Otherwise savvy professionals often destroy their career as they do not want to get involved in the conflict. While conflict is a normal part of the organization, the main concern is how one choose to deal with it. There is nothing to fear about the conflict. Instead, you have to learn to manage the conflict. You need to develop the ability to recognize the conflict, understand its nature, and swiftly resolve the conflict.

What can be the causes for workplace conflicts?

There can be several reasons for conflict in a work environment. Some of the common reasons are:

Poor communication: Different styles of communication can lead to misunderstandings between the employees as well as between the employees and managers. Lack of communication may also be a reason behind the conflict.

Differing interests: When the individual workers always think of their individual goals and ignore the wellbeing of the organization or the organizational goals.

Different values: Any organization is made up of different types of individuals. If the individuals cannot accept other individuals or there is a difference in understanding, conflict occurs.

Poor performances: When the individual within the group is underperforming or not working up to the potential- conflict becomes inevitable.

Personality clashes: Working environment is made up of different types of personalities. If the colleagues cannot adjust with others’ approach to work and problem solving.

Communication and emotions are in fact the most prominent reasons behind the conflicts. If you consider the details, you will find out that most of the conflicts encountered in the workplace arouse due to misinformation, lack of information, no information, or improper representation of information. Clear, accurate, concise, and timely communication are vital to avoid any sort of conflict because of communication.

When emotions drive decisions, it also leads to conflict. Sometimes emotions becomes superior and the employees put it ahead of achieving their mission which create a problem.

How to deal with the conflict at workplace?

To maintain organizational health and performances, it is essential to accept and address the conflict through effective resolution process. It is crucial that every organization must have a proper conflict resolution process. However, whether the conflict can be resolved on time depends upon the ability of the employees to understand the importance of conflict resolution process and their desire to resolve the matter.

Here are a few tips that you can implement to effectively handle conflicts in the workplace:

Set a behavioral framework: Do not let the employees assume. Rather define the kind of behavior you expect from your employees. Create a framework for decision making, encourage sound business practices in collaboration, team management, talent management, and leadership development-all these can help to avoid conflict.

Unnecessary conflicts can also be avoided with a clearly defined job description, so that the people are aware of what is expected from them.

Adopt preventive measures: Finding out the potential areas of conflict and adopting proper measures may help you to avoid conflict to great extent in many situations. If the conflict has already flair up, you need to deal with it quickly.

Utilize the opportunity to learn: Every conflict provides a learning opportunity. You have to identify the inherent learning opportunity and utilize it for the growth and development.

It is said that like minds cannot even imagine. Therefore, it is often necessary to have divergent opinions so that it can stimulate growth and learning.

Conflicts can be resolved positively if there is a desire among the employees to do so. However, if all your efforts fail and the conflicts still persist, you can take the help of the professionals. Certain solicitors provide conflict resolution services and they try their best to erase out employment difficulties.

Information Share by Lighthouse Health & Safety in Manchester

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Hannah Moss

Great post! And so helpful to call out that most conflict is really a matter of bad communication, rather than intention!