Position Yourself for Tomorrow

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Have you ever watched a television doctor show and the doctors are frantically trying to save someone only to have the person die and flat line. Yes, me too. It’s sad. What’s even sadder are employees that have in a sense flat lined their careers. How so? By failing to position themselves for tomorrow.

It used to be that once you were hired for a federal job you would retire with that same job. But things are changing, technology is improving and job security is not what it used to be. As federal workers, we have to pay attention to this trend and prepare for the future. The best way to prepare is by being better than we were yesterday. Those who are more competent in their jobs will have one tomorrow. The same can’t be said of those who are just mediocre in their jobs.

Some federal employees have flat lined in their careers because they have only learned their job well enough not to be fired. They have never increased their value. They have never gotten any better at what they do. They have coasted in their careers and now they find their jobs on the line. Don’t let that happen to you.

Action Item: What’s one thing can you do today to position yourself for tomorrow? Let me know in the comments.

I also write for Entrepreneur.com


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I love “The best way to prepare is by being better than we were yesterday.”

There is a population of federal employees who do coast in their careers. Disheartening for those of us who really work hard.


I always try to look for better more efficient ways of completing the task at hand. When you can save your office time and money you add to your individual value and ultimately will have solid evidence backing your worth if you ever need it in the future or for tomorrow.

Anne Hull

In addition to technology changes, we need to pay attention to more elements that effect jobs. Our budgets are constantly shifting due to political issues and we should never be surprised by a budget cut which can effect jobs. Changing demographics of our teams and virtual teams require awareness and new skills for optimum effectiveness. But wait, there’s more! These are just three of seven areas we can explore to find ways to keep adding value and enjoying our work. The key is to broaden our view from the daily tasks to what is driving division and agency work.