Racial Equity Tools

A website designed to support people and groups who are working for inclusion, racial equity and , racialequitytools.org includes ideas, strategies and tips, as well as a clearinghouse of resources and links from many sources. Racial Equity Tools is a companion site to Evaluation Tools for Racial Equity – which helps people track progress and document results of similar work, in racially explicit and competent ways.

NCDD member Maggie Potapchuk of MP Associates is the dynamo behind this website.

The following text is from the Introduction page:

Racial Equity Tools is organized into four main areas. The first page of each section has an overview of the resources and tools in that section. Several also have questions or suggestions to help you think about what needs to happen at this point in a change process. At the end of each section are Tip sheets. Tip sheets provide more detail about one topic, often a particular part of a change process.

The four sections are:

  • Essential Concepts and Issues: background information about privilege, various types of racism and other key concepts and descriptions of various individual and collective change processes. The section also includes and descriptions of strategies in 13 specific issue areas (for example, housing, education, environmental racism). Content from this section will be especially useful when you are developing your groups’ understanding of what racial equity, inclusion and mean and possibilities for working toward them.
  • Assessing and Learning: materials and tips to dig deeply into your organization or your community – to know more about how change happens and the lay of the land in terms of racial equity. Content from this section will be especially useful when you are deciding how to focus your work and how your group might contribute to making things better.
  • Planning and Implementing: materials and tips to help your group get ready to act, and put in place strategies at high quality, using processes that consider privilege, racism and power. This area also includes information about individual, intergroup, and institutional change strategies.
  • Sustaining and Refining: materials and tips to help you stay the course, improve your actions as you go and progress toward the long-term changes you seek. Specific content ranges from information about working with the to resources and tips for building a learning community.

Submit Additional Resources:

We hope this site is a convenient clearinghouse of tools and resources for your work. Thank you again to all of those who shared their materials. We continue to seek additional resources. For example, we do not currently list books – but will be adding information about useful ones to the resource lists over time. Please complete the “Submit Resources” form if you have resources to share. If you have ideas for additional tip sheets, please email us at [email protected]. Please consider joining our email list to learn when the site has been updated with new resources (a few times a year).

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