Storytelling: The Most Powerful Communications Tool in History

We are storytelling animals. It’s what differentiates us from our primate cousins. We are literally Homo narrativus. We use stories to assign meaning to our lives, transmit vital information and communicate with future generations. Without our storytelling ability, we would never have evolved out of the jungles of Africa.

Human history begins with stories, like The Bible, the Odyssey and the epics of India. These stories were so important that they were memorized and passed down countless generations prior to the written word.

Storytelling is an ancient and powerful tool that we all possess. The ability to process, remember and communicate stories is man’s oldest and best trick.

But we live in a dreary age of PowerPoints and TPS reports. Why can’t you remember anything from yesterday’s HR briefing? It’s not your fault; it wasn’t a story.

Lead with a Story

Paul Smith addresses that problem in Lead with a Story, a guide to using this ancient tool in the modern world. Storytelling is a skill that’s increasingly being adopted by major corporations trying to break through the clutter of messages that we’re all deluged with.

In a talk at the annual Federal Digital Communications event, Smith explained the power of stories to an audience of government communicators. Stories teach better than lectures. This process of narrative encodes a lesson more powerfully than the strictest admonition.

Storytelling is a skill that we can all learn. We literally grew up with it. What makes a great story? Great stories are:

1. Simple. What is the plot of Lord of the Rings? While it sprawls over hundreds of pages, the plot is really simple: destroy the One Ring. Great stories are simple, with a clear problem for characters to solve.

2. Timeless. Fads come and go, but the great stories are timeless. Boy meets girl, whether it’s Romeo and Juliet, or the latest Hollywood romcom, is one of the oldest and most commonly told stories.

3. Universal. While you may not speak ancient Greek, you can understand the desire to get home after a tough day (or decade). This is why a classic like the Odyssey is a universal tale.

4. Viral. Someone tells you a funny joke in the elevator and you immediately want to share it. Jokes were viral before the cat videos of YouTube.

5. Memorable. The story of Noah and the Great Flood doesn’t just appear in the Old Testatment – it is also a part of ancient Babylonian texts. Why? The whole world being wiped out with one survivor? That’s a great story.

We long for inspirational stories. While other ages had saints, we have business profiles of inspiring figures like Oprah, Steve Jobs and Howard Schultz. We read these stories of perseverance and success because we want to be inspired, looking for motivation to act upon our own dreams.

Good stories engage audiences. Rather than showing people a slide full of numbers, tell them what the numbers mean. Tell them how they matter to one person. Connect with your audience with stories of how people use your product or service.

For example, I had a job where I had to tell actors to be on time for a performance. I could’ve just yelled at them. Or just repeated the call-time over and over again.

Instead, I told them a story. A true story. The year before, one of actors was late. We replaced her. She didn’t get a chance to perform.

None of the actors were late. They remembered the story because they identified with the late actor. The narrative made an emotional connection with them.

The reason is the human gift for narrative. Stories are how we remember information and direct our lives.

The next time you need to communicate something, whether it’s an article for the corporate newsletter or a message to your significant other, think about how you can make it a story. Write a beginning, a middle and an end. Have a clear protagonist, with a problem for them to solve, like an Odysseus of the business world.

Tap into the ancient gift of narrative – our most powerful communication tool.

The post Storytelling: The Most Powerful Communications Tool in History appeared first on Joe Flood.

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Theresa Scott

A story that ends with the actor being fired? Your spin is showing.

My point being: spin is the downside of storytelling and you need to be aware of when you are doing it. Really good storytelling is about the human truths to be uncovered inside each of us. The story relates to something deep inside us and it serves as a guide for each of us to uncover something within ourselves. Stories, at their highest good, aim to be a roadmap for how to live on this planet.

Spin is trying to sell something. In the case of the actor story, the ‘inspiration’ if you will, was fear. Fear works wonders, witness the popularity of horror stories and tragedies. But what the listener learns can be limited, not offering much beyond ‘whoa, hope that doesn’t happen to me.’

Joe Flood

Theresa – I simply described what happened. That’s not spin. Spin would be if I said was a wonderful user experience when it clearly is not.

I used the example with the actor as a cautionary tale. When you’re doing a live event, the performers have to show up on time. It’s the most important thing. You can’t expect an audience to wait because an actor is late.

Theresa Scott

Yes, I see what you mean, Joe. I think we’ve inadvertently stumbled onto three different story types. Literal (show up on time or there are consequences), spin (buy this!), and symbolic (what is the meaning of life, anyway?). Given that there is a storyteller and an audience, one hopes the audience is receiving the story on the same wave-length the storyteller intended.

Lord of the Rings at the literal level might be ‘ugly guy will do anything to steal gold ring.’ At the spin level, it could be ‘don’t be an ugly guy and get greedy.’ At the symbolic level, it might be ‘the rejected part of you mistakes gold for what is truly important (pick one: wisdom, love, community, etc.).’

I wonder how many other story types there are, broadly speaking?

No wonder communication is complicated.