The Move to Insourcing…

Read the FAIR Institute’s recommendations on insourcing: “The Move to Insourcing…Proceed with Caution”…

How should agency and program leaders go about the process of insourcing?

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Denise Hill

Not sure that the document reflects great coverage of the topic vs. timely views on the topic. This topic and resulting activities flow in cycles. So much so that once the dust settles from one (insourcing and the inverse outsourcing) the other begins. Insourcing will not happen overnight. The “Proceed with Caution” begins with strategic planning. Use program management stages to carefully plan out the process. One needs to know the key programs and activities that need to be supported. The caution is that organizations tend to go to the extreme and find themselves more dependent on insourcing/outsourcing that it talks longer to reverse course. They should not skip steps, a training strategy needs to be part of the overall strategy to keep skills current (which is one of the pro’s of outsourcing is ability to obtain needed expertise as needs change).