All those who suffer from BAD LUCK syndrome, or are just interested in the phenomenon of whether BAD LUCK really does exist. Some people suffer from it more than others and they now have a place to go to share their thoughts, their experiences and/or their curiosity. A new website, is dedicated to exploring the phenomenon of BAD LUCK and why some people just seem to live under a BLACK CLOUD of BAD LUCK that haunts them. Others have good luck and sail through life without ever worrying about bad luck.

According to the Creator of the website, Mr. Al Mayer of California, BAD LUCK is all too real and he has suffered from it his whole life. He created this site to share his thoughts and experiences with bad luck

in the hope of helping others who may have the same problem.

Mr. Mayer says that he feels very strongly that this is a subject that needs to be examined and explored. He feels that getting it out in the open will help people who suffer from BAD LUCK realize that they are not alone. The website is a place for people out there who believe, and we hope it’s true, that they have successfully overcome bad luck and will share their experience with others so

they also can lift this burden from their back. Sorry none reported so far.

In addition Mr. Mayer shares many of his own stories about how bad luck has affected his life – from getting the only flooded cabin on a fully booked cruise ship with almost 2,000 rooms – to having gambling jackpots snatched right from his hands. The web site features a Forum, where users can post their own stories, review each other’s stories, and leave comments. There is a Celebrity Page, just for stories by and about celebrities with BAD LUCK. They will show that they are human and suffer from this phenomenon just like anyone else. There is a Contest Page, detailing various contests and prizes for the best stories about BAD LUCK life experiences, which of course are the saddest. See the very Unique Events Page, which will list parties, cruises and other social events for those interested or afflicted with this phenomenon.

So if you have had a truckload of bad luck and just want to feel better knowing that other people are afflicted too, this site is for you. The old adage that miserie Loves Company may very well make you feel better, it certainly can’t hurt! You may want to see if your favorite celebrity really has hard luck stories just like ordinary people, visit Http:// Who knows? You might even turn your luck around by winning a cash prize but I doubt it!


The Creator & authority on Luck

Al Mayer

[email protected] or 800-301-2518

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