
Top five social media security threats

Beyond the fans, likes, followers, and friends, social media can expose organizations to a range of threats. According to Network World, these can include malware embedded in mobile applications and social networking sites and “smooth-talking scammers” who take advantage of the new willingness to share all kinds of personal information via very public channels. Also placing organizations at risk are careless or disgruntled workers (“Even the most responsible employees have lapses in judgment, make mistakes or behave emotionally”) and, most important, lack of a social media policy:

Without a social media policy for your enterprise, you are inviting disaster. You can’t just turn employees loose on social networking platforms and urge them to “represent.” You need to spell out the goals and parameters of your enterprise’s social media initiative. Otherwise you’ll get exactly what you’re inviting – chaos and problems.

Link to full story in Network World. And if you need some inspiration, check out The Transit Wire’s links to social media policies from selected government agencies.

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