Why You Need To Practice With A PMP Exam Simulator

You have studied the PMBOK® Guide; you have read numerous additional study materials; you believe you have a good handle on project management theories and the application of those theories; and you feel as if you might be are ready take the Project Management Professional (PMP)® exam. There is just one thing that keeps lingering in the back of your mind…the PMP Exam consists of 200 multiple choice questions that must be answered in 4 hours.

How is someone to prepare for answering 200 multiple choice questions in just four hours? That equates to just over one minute of allotted time per question. This can be an intimidating to even the best test takers.

There are many free PMP Exam Questions on the market, and free can be good for some things, but in the long run you do get what you pay for. Some of the risks of taking free exams are the exam questions may not have been reviewed for accuracy by an expert on the exam, or it may not accurately represent the exam taking experience you will face for the PMP Exam. A single webpage with a list of sample test questions does not accurately represent the actual PMP Exam testing environment. The PMP exam is a computer based exam with specific features and functions you will want to be comfortable with prior to taking the exam. You will need to be able to focus solely on the 200 multiple choice questions in order to complete the exam in the 4 hours allotted.

Are you willing to risk your ability to pass the PMP Exam by using free exams that may have incorrect questions / answers and may not be formatted as the PMP Exam is?

A PMP Exam Simulator offers the user the opportunity to experience a “real” exam environment prior to sitting for the exam. Some benefits of an exam simulator over just using free PMP Exam Questions are:

  1. You will feel more comfortable with the user interface of the exam. You will go into the exam with an understanding of the look and feel of the exam. The exam will feel familiar which will be one less thing to worry about when you are taking the PMP exam.
  2. You will be calmer because you have done this so many times before. You will be accustomed to how the exams features and functions which will let you focus more on the questions than trying to understand the format of the exam.
  3. You will know how to pace yourself and be able to answer 200 questions in 4 hours. After using the simulator you will have an understanding as to the pace in which you need to respond to questions in order to answer all 200 in 4 hours. Being able to answer all questions will increase the probability of you passing the exam.
  4. You will be able to identify areas of strength and weakness. Following each exam you will be able to identify the areas in which you need to spend some additional time studying for and the areas in which you excel.
  5. You will have the ability to take the exams on your schedule. Using a PMP Exam Simulator allows you to take practice exams at times that fit your schedule…these can be taken any time you have access to a computer with internet and 4 hours available.
  6. You will become more and more confident with every sample exam you take. As you become increasingly successful in taking the practice exams you will feel progressively confident in your capability to pass the PMP Exam.

Investing in using a PMP Exam Simulator with professionally developed PMP Question will provide you with a genuine exam experience; allow you to become accustomed to the exam interface; provide you with a sense of calm due to familiarity with the test environment; prepare you to answer 200 multiple choice questions in 4 hours; assist you in identifying areas which may need additional preparation; affords you the ability to take practice exams on your schedule; and provide you with confidence in your ability to pass the PMP Exam.

As you may suspect there are many PMP Exam Simulators on the market, and not all are created equal, so you need to make sure you compare prior to making any purchase. To help you make a qualified decision on the best simulator to buy for you we have created a PMP Exam Simulator Selection Worksheet that that can be downloaded from www.pm-exam-simulator.com/select. This worksheet has been designed to help simplify the selection of the best PMP Exam Simulator for you.

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