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NASPAA on Fixing Graduate Student Hiring

Great white paper by the folks at NASPAA on fixing graduate student hiring in the federal government

Personally I do see there is a great opportunity to take the PMF program and expand and make more of flagship program like Teach for America. The federal government is losing a lot of great talent by not having great intake mechanisms.

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Andrew Krzmarzick

Great idea. I’m completely convinced that internships/fellowships are one of the most important solutions in attracting the next generation of government employees…especially as we wait for the process of hiring itself to be streamlined. It gives the students an opportunity to “try on” public service and for agencies to expedite the process of bringing these folks on board based on direct experience.

Where I am not as concerned is replacing all of the folks who are retiring…the next 5-10 years could give government an opportunity to right-size/reduce force, get creative in allowing the retirees to work part-time and find ways to use technology and public-private sector partnerships to do more with fewer full-time staff. These new hires/PMFs could be given special projects to come up with innovative plans to accomplish just that…

I’d love to have members of the PMFs and PMF Alums group here on GovLoop chime in!