The State of Government’s Cybersecurity

With cyberattacks constantly targeting specific points of the government IT infrastructure, it’s easy to get lost in the minutiae of cybersecurity. Are all of our endpoints secured? What patches need to be deployed? While IT professionals have to consistently ask and answer these questions, it’s equally important that agency leaders consider the larger landscape of cybersecurity.

This GovLoop guide provides an overview of the current state of cybersecurity in government. In it, we address:

  • Cyberthreats in government today;
  • Cyber budget and government’s priorities;
  • Cyber workforce and the new roles government is creating;
  • Cyber legislation and initiative updates;
  • Cyber technologies and the opportunities and challenges they pose; and
  • Unique perspectives from current cybersecurity leaders in government.

Agencies have made significant progress in addressing cyberthreats since the launch of important initiatives like the 30-day Cyber Sprint. But there are still many challenges government faces. This guide explores the accomplishments of government as well as where we need to improve for the future of cybersecurity.

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