DorobekINSIDER LIVE: How to Make State and Local Government Work More Effectively

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Summer’s over and the kids are back in school. And as School House Rock takes over your kid’s computer screen, you might want to brush up on your state and local knowledge, too!

Why? Consider that public servants at the state and local level face unique challenges, including smaller budgets, fewer resources, and more diverse responsibilities than many of their federal counterparts. But they also have unique opportunities — like the ability to interface directly with citizens and communities or to innovate in more flexible environments.

Join us for an on-demand training where we discuss what makes state and local governments work most effectively.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • What tactics, strategies, and technologies state and local governments are deploying to overcome barriers and capitalize on opportunities for better public service.
  • Case studies of successful citizen engagement, lessons learned from difficult projects, and insights from frontline government innovators.
  • What the biggest stumbling blocks facing state and local government in the future will be.


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