
Can greener business practices save $$’s?

Yes, although monitoring is not a favorite subject these days, we do need to be more aware of what we discard and how we use our energy sources. Can it be reused? Do we know every time we use energy, we emit greenhouse gasses into the air? I mean every time! SO what is plugged in, at your desk, at home? How many lights are on right now? When you get home how many loads of laundry are you doing this week? How many TV’s are on? In your office alone, how many computers are plugged in? So when we learn to use sensor controls use less water and energy, we save $$’s.

So, when you are in planning sessions, do you discuss minimizing energy use? Are you aware of environmental accounting methodologies in the workplace? SO much to learn… Thanks for letting me share.

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Kim Truong

Great post, Kerry. I always turn off lights if I’m last in the office, but more comprehensive green programs can really save costs. There were some great ideas and information related to green impact shared here.

Kerry Mitchell

Hi Kim and Terry. We find that yes, employees do care and really want to understand these issues. These are great links. Thank you both.

We are so proud we have taught over 12,000 adults about sustainability and green business practices. We are in a deep search to find a GSA training contractor to share our e-learning library to the masses of empolyees in the government who want to know more!