Two thumbs way up! INgage Networks and MSU

While I have known about this partnership for a while it was great to see INgage Networks and Michigan State University announce their partnership yesterday. I asked Kim Kobza, CEO of INgage Networks, how the projects will be selected and how they will decide success, here is what he shared:

“As part of our agreement we jointly establish project goals and measurement criteria for all projects. The measurements are output driven (as opposed to simply measuring network activity). Measurement is always put in terms of cost savings, continuous business improvement and building institutional memory that enables a clear understanding of solution possibilities that lead to better, more effective decision making.”

I am excited about this project for several reasons, including:

– It is more important than ever that the public and private sector work together. These initiatives, if successful, will help bring jobs to a very depressed area of the country.
– Smart businesses understand the value of reaching college students and sharing their solutions, their strategies, their philosophies. As MSU students graduate and begin looking for social solutions I will guarantee that INgage Networks enter their mind before solutions from other vendors. A smart move by INgage, a move the competition should make as well.
– Students, educators, local and state government, are all going to learn how to strategically deploy collaborative networks. The people in this partnership will see past the hype and into the true power of these networks. As these students enter the workforce they will bring this past learning to their new organizations. In 5 years, the power of collaborative networks, of Social CRM, of IMC, will become the norm. These students will help lead the way.

What do you think about this partnership?


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