
2011 PMF Semifinalists

Word is that some of the 2011 Presidential Management Fellows nominees have begun receiving notifications of results indicating they made it to the semifinalist round. At the time of this posting, the list has not been provided, but given the volume of notices (both positive and negative), the notifications could take a while. Stay tuned.

Update 3:50 PM GMT via the PMF Program Office’s Facebook page:

The PMF Program Office started sending the notice of results for all nominees in the PMF Class of 2011 on whether or not selected as semi-finalists on Monday, December 20, 2010. Due to large volume of notifications, it may take a couple days before they are delivered. Once the official list of semi-finalists is ready, a copy will be posted to the PMF website. Thank you!

So if you haven’t heard anything yet, positive or negative, hang in there!

Update #2 7:50 PM GMT

The PMF Program Office has released the official list of 2011 PMF semifinalists. As usual, I will back this file up to analyze later. Anyway, congratulations to the 1530 nominees who made it through. The online assessment was the most selective of the hurdles, discarding about 80% of the nominees. The next steps will be far less selective, though potentially no less challenging. Take a breath and get ready for the next sprint.

For those that didn’t make it, there’s probably not much I can offer in the way of consolation. I realize the assessment seems arbitrary, and in a way it probably is. But there are other ways into federal service, so if you are passionate about serving, don’t give up!

[Also posted here.]

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PMF Fellow

Historically, they have processed them in batches, usually by last name. It is a limitation perhaps of the software they are using.

Ewan Robinson

Congratulations to everyone who was selected as a semi-finalist! I am not among those selected. I do not intend the following comment to denigrate in any way the achievements and qualifications of those who were.

I assume that a tight budget played an important role in the PMF program’s decision to use an online, multiple choice questionnaire to select out 80% of applicants (plus the open writing section, which seems to have been at least partially scored by computer). How will this approach affect the overall pool of finalists? Could the psychological assessment favor test-takers who strategically answer in order to appear to have the psychological profile the PMF program is looking for? (despite the warnings test-takers were given about answering honestly) How well does this testing approach identify those candidates who are likely to make the most positive contributions during their tenures in PMF and who are most highly oriented towards public service? These are open questions that I think warrant consideration, perhaps investigation.