Big Day for Gov’t 2.0

So many things happened today that my head is spinning.

If your head is spinning, too, you might appreciate a handy-dandy link list.

U.S. Government YouTube hub: gives you quick access to all agency channels.

White House blog post re: Gov’t 2.0: Bev Godwin highlights social media projects all across government. Features a video with White House New Media Director Macon Phillips giving a guided tour of many gov’t 2.0 sites. the new gov’t-wide site designed to give you raw data to play with. Mashups, anyone?

Round 2 of the Open Gov’t Initiative: the White House invites all Americans to suggest ideas on how to make the gov’t more transparent, participatory, and collaborative. The site features an innovations gallery, showing the best of open gov’t.

Those are all from the gov’t itself. But also today, the Sunlight Foundation launched Apps for America 2, where people are invited to create good uses for gov’t data they find on

And here’s my bold prediction: in a year, we’ll look back on this stuff and laugh at how little we were doing back then.

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Henry Brown

Also today:

Hearing before Information Policy, Census, and National Archives Subcommittee of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee

Washington, DC, May 21, 2009 – At a hearing today focusing on the National Archives and Records Administration and the selection of a new Archivist, National Security Archive General Counsel Meredith Fuchs said: “[The new Archivist] should have a vision for an Archives 2.0.”

Barry Everett

Wahoo! Where to start? But wait, we already have… 😉 OpenGov21 is 5 months old, and hopefully beginning to talk. Now let’s get the training wheels off, and start peddling.


A great day. But as I told someone the other day…maybe there are 50 cool gov 2.0 examples right now….in a year there will be 500. And in 3 years it will 5,000. There are still many interesting problems and challenges along the way. Should be a fun ride.