Bluehost Issues an OSCON Challenge

Bluehost is one of Code for America’s largest corporate donors, supporting us for the second year in a row at the $250,000 level. We are so grateful for the support of founder Hari Ravichandran and the entire Bluehost team, who share our belief in the power of the open source community.


While we know Bluehost’s commitment to CfA, they continue to surprise us with their generosity. This week they invited us to share the stage on Thursday morning at OSCON with Bluehost’s Director of Open Source Outreach, Jared Smith, where he will ask attendees to support CfA in hopes of matching Bluehost’s donation. It’s not every day that our CTO Michal Migurski gets a chance to address more than 3,000 open source developers, and we can’t thank Bluehost enough for making this happen — and for challenging the audience to rally behind CfA’s mission.

“We made a commitment to help move Code for America’s efforts forward by encouraging the open source community, our employees and customers, to become involved in coding for a better government.”

— Hari Ravichandran, founder and CEO of Endurance International Group (Bluehost’s parent company)


Our local governments are already benefiting from what the open source community has to offer. For every civic tech problem we solve, there are a dozen other cities in need of the same solution. This is why all of Code for America’s applications are open source with both the code and documentation released for public use and redeployment.

The open source ethos allows us to share our resources, insights and code in order to improve our communities en masse. It’s the difference between building into a vacuum or harnessing a rolling thunder of change. As an open source developer, you’ve got a chance to help us code the next chapter of American history.

Answer Bluehost’s call to action: join Code for America by applying for our one-year Fellowship program, attending a Brigade event in your city, and donating to CfA to support our Fellows, Brigade volunteers, and civic entrepreneurs. Together we can build government by the people, for the people that works in the 21st century.

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