Enterprise CTOs: WayIn will provide new capabilities to your organization

The newest highly scalable social media capability on the grid is WayIn.

WayIn leverages the ubiquitous Internet, the increasingly pervasive smart phone and tablet platforms, globally deployed desktop devices to connect with people. WayIn builds upon the lessons learned from Sun Microsystem’s greatest cloud computing architects and business minds. And it fills a need many of us have long desired.

What does WayIn do? It lets any user anywhere “weigh in” on any topic of their choosing. In its current form it does so by focusing around a photo or image (stand by for continuous evolution there). You can snap any photo and instantly create a poll or “game” that can be viewed by anyone with any piece of technology.

The focus of WayIn is on the user. But there are many enterprise use cases. Once you start brainstorming on use cases it is hard to stop. For some organizations this can be a great way to gauge customer satisfaction. For others it can be a good way of staying in tune with market demands. For others it can be a way to communicate new offerings. For others it can be a way to keep a dialog going with thought leaders in the community. For health care providers it can be a way of ensuring easy follow-up with patients. For recovery and response after disaster it can be a fast way to pulse people to see who needs what. For government policy makers it can be fast ways to check sentiment. For candidates for office it can be a way to stay in better tune with what the people want.

See, the use cases just go on and on. To start generating your own use cases check the app out now.

Find WayIn in the Android Market at: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.wayin.android

Find WayIn in the Apple App Store at: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wayin/id450974426?mt=8

After you sign up, connect to me there at bobgourley. Seek me out and vote on a few of my polls to get the feel for it. I promise you will have fun and in a matter of seconds you will start thinking of your own use cases for enterprise use of WayIn.

And for more context see a far better explanation see Scott McNealy give a great overview here:

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