Federal Employee Mindset vs. Federal Entrepreneurial Mindset

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

Things have changed.

The recent government shutdown was a prime example.

There is no getting around it, federal employees must switch from employee mindset to an entrepreneurial mindset.

Federal Employee Mindset vs. Federal Entrepreneurial Mindset

  1. Wait until work is assigned vs. Being proactive and seeking new work assignments
  2. Doing the bare minimum vs. Going above and beyond for your federal agency
  3. Complaining about what is not right about your job vs. Being grateful you are employed and becoming that catalyst for change your agency needs
  4. Only doing your work and not helping others vs. Building long-lasting relationships where there’s a win-win for both parties
  5. Not showing up with any motivation or compassion for others vs. Being sincere, passionate and caring about those you work with.

Today there is only one way to survive in the federal workplace: You must become known as the go-to person who works circles around others to provide value to your superiors. Your name must become synonymous with excellent, high-quality work. If you become known as someone who provides massive value, you will always be paid more and promoted faster. You will not have to look for opportunities; they will knock on your door and introduce themselves to you.

Action Item: Activate your Entrepreneurial Federal Mindset.

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