Our goals and theme for NCDD Seattle…

NCDD conferences are known for being innovative and highly participatory. We focus on providing participants with opportunities to network with colleagues, experience innovative group methods, and explore key challenges in our field together.

At the 2012 National Conference on Dialogue & Deliberation this October 12-14 in Seattle, we plan to focus on the importance of building strong civic infrastructure in our community of practice, in the communities where we live and work, and in our country. We look forward to learning with and from you, and to seeing how we can move forward together!

By “civic infrastructure,” we’re talking about the foundational building blocks needed to strengthen our vibrant democracy. Things like…

  • Institutions and public agencies that utilize participatory processes for decision-making
  • Great places and online spaces where citizens can gather, a cadre of trained moderators
  • Strong networks that can mobilize to solve problems

Our goals for NCDD Seattle are to:

  1. Build collective knowledge and momentum for action (among attendees and field-wide) on our conference theme: building a more robust civic infrastructure for our practice, our communities and our country.
  2. Equip participants with the skills, knowledge, resources and connections they need to improve and expand their work.
  3. Increase awareness of the latest innovations, thinking and opportunities in dialogue, deliberation, and public engagement.
  4. Address head-on some of the major challenges facing the dialogue & deliberation community.
  5. Create a great space for supportive, collaborative relationships to form and existing relationships to strengthen.
  6. Inspire Seattle and have a positive impact on the region.
  7. Leave conference participants feeling energized and inspired to do more great work.

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