Pardon my Dust


I need to blog more often. I’ve known this for some time, and wanted to get an apology out to anyone who follows this page. After chastisement duly administered by a certain dear Spanish friend, I am finally taking steps to increase the rate of blog posts on this little cul-de-sac. (Said chastisement occurred five months ago, so you can see how hard this is for me.) Two changes in this regard:

* I will endeavor to share more often, rather than only publish once I have a white paper ready, complete with footnotes. Long-form blogging is not serving me well. Yes, I see people who engage in frequent long-form blogging – I honestly don’t know how they do it. Perhaps by writing more often, I’ll come to resemble those success stories. (The best approach to writing is to write, after all.)

* I’m experimenting with the WordPress mobile app. On my iPad, I am more likely to have a dedicated screen focus. When I use the laptop to blog, I find myself time slicing among tasks. The result is a folder full of moldy drafts, some years old by now. With the iPad, I can focus and seize the moment when ideas hit. My travel schedule over the past year resembles the hockey stick graph, and the iPad is more my companion than my trusty MacBook Air these days.

If indeed the conversation is the product, then perhaps more frequent albeit shorter and more malformed thoughts will provide the forum for conversation. My last post in March sparked truly thoughtful and valuable comments, which lay ignored for far too long. That can’t happen again. If I spark a conversation, I need to be present.

Self-flagellation aside, thanks for reading.

(Obligatory cat photo used without permission, unsure where I got it. Will delete upon request.)

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