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Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Lessons Learned from Around the World (06/07/2011) – The World Economic Forum’s report on the future of governmentlooks at the major challenges facing governments and the need for them to adapt to rapidly changing conditions and citizens’ expectations. The report recommends that governments become flatter, agile, streamlined and tech-enabled (FAST).

Canadians most tech hungry(06/24/2011) – Global research firm TNS shows that Canadians are among the most tech hungry and savvy in the world – especially when it comes to the latest smartphones and tablets – with men driving this trend. The study also shows that Canadians have a huge interest in the ‘mobile wallet’ with four in 10 people interested in using their cell phone as a credit card or debit card in the future.

Best Practices

Australia’s Innovation Toolkit(06/29/2011) – Australia’s new innovation agenda is designed to help publicservants develop and apply innovative solutions to problems. The toolkit provides a diagnosis to help identify areas that should be prioritized, tools to assess the strengths of an idea and achieve better outcomes and tips for putting together a business case.

UK Innovation Hub(06/29/2011) – The Innovation Hub is a digital collaboration space where government and citizens can work together to build solutions to public service challenges.Proposed solutions move through three stages before graduating to a virtual stock market. In the stock market, contributors invest in shares of the solution they would like to see taken forward, earning the contributor lab points on a reputation index.

Is Twitter a waste of time?(06/02/2011) – Twitter is a waste of time…. unless you use it in a way that isn’t, according to the blog ProBlogger.It can be a great research tool, a means to expand a personal brand, promote content or find new readers, among other uses.

In-house social networks(06/26/2011) – As social networks increasingly dominate communications in private lives, businesses are adopting them for the workplace, according to a New York Times article. One of the benefits of social networks is a decline in e-mail use. Instead of sending out mass mailings, workers post messages or collaborate on presentations within the service.

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