The Depression Cure

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Most Americans work long hours, eat on the fly, and lead increasingly sedentary, isolated lives.

Sound like your office? What about this:

Alongside this lifestyle, depression rates have skyrocketed: approximately 1 in 4 Americans will suffer from major depression at some point in their lives.1

In my interactions with young employees and coworkers, I’ve met a lot of people who have been affected by depression. Either they themselves have suffered from it, or they know someone who does. To help prepare you should this happen to you, I think you should be aware that there is actually a proven cure for depression.

I know this because for years I myself struggled with depression. I would get into periods for weeks or months at a time where I would feel just awful about everything. I would hate life and everything in it. And I had no idea why. Then one day, a girl I was dating discovered this about me, and she did some research of her own. She bought a book by Stephen Ilardi called The Depression Cure. At first, I thought it was ridiculous. But the more she read and shared, the more I saw that this book had some really good research behind it. Eventually, I did what it said, and I was cured. I immediately returned to my normal cheerful self, and I have not experienced any symptoms of depression ever since.

The cure for depression can be summed up in three key ingredients: sunlight (Vitamin D3), fish (Omega 3), and exercise.

Click here to read more about this amazing book. Please recommend it to anyone you know who may benefit from it. You may actually save their life.

1 Excerpted from

Original post

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Yeah, and I have some snake oil for sale as well . . . no doubt those three things can help,. but to say depression can be cured? That is just irresponsible. My credentials: I am a Schedule A, a father who committed suicide, a sister who committed suicide, another sister who attempted suicide, yet another sister who attempted suicide, a mother who attempted suicide, a cousin who committed suicide . . . it goes on.

Joe Flood

If the book helps him (and others), then who are we to criticize? The proper response is, “Great! Congratulations!”


Oh, I think it’s great that he got some relief. Again, it’s fine to say “this helped me.” It’s not fine to say “this cures depression.”