Webinar Success: Apply “Monroe’s Motivated Sequence”

Presenting in a webinar is similar to giving a presentation in person; however, the difference is that in a webinar, the live audience is not in front of the presenter. Not having good eye contact makes it difficult to build connections with attendees or to read faces for emotions. Fortunately, with preparation and the correct tools, presenters can overcome these and other obstacles and still deliver a highly engaging and persuasive presentation.

A widely used technique used to construct persuasive and motivational speeches is the Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. The sequence was developed in the 1930’s by Adam Monroe, at Purdue University. Since then, it has been used by business professionals to develop highly effective presentations.

Adapted to webinars, the sequence consists of 5 simple steps:

Attention: The first slide in your webinar should demand the audience’s attention. Employ a dramatic statistic, quotation, shocking example, detailed story, others, to capture interest or appeal to emotion.

Need: Build a need and show that there is an existing problem that must be fixed. That problem should be significant, and by itself will not go away. Use factual statistics, examples and/or personal life experiences to support your claims. Convince your audience that actions must be taken to address this dire problem.

Satisfaction: Offer a solution that will solve and satisfy the aforementioned problem; in this particular case, is your product or service. Provide specific and viable rationales to demonstrate how your offering will meet and satisfy your attendees’ needs.

Visualization: Paint vivid mental pictures of the outcomes: what would happen if the solution is implemented, and what would happen if it is not. In other words, show your audience heaven and hell. Be descriptive, visual and detailed.

Action: At the end of the webinar, tell your audience what action to take to solve the problem. In this case, it is to purchase your product or service. This can be done by using call to actions.

I hope you find these steps helpful when developing your next webinar. Let me know if you get a better response!

Adapted from a blog post by InstantPresenter

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