Introducing Member Rankings

As we’ve grown over 1,000 members, GovLoop ( is proud to announce we’re formally launching a new feature called GovLoop Points, which allows you to earn points for participating on GovLoop.

What do the points get ya? For right now, just our love and respect πŸ™‚ But stay tuned for some exciting stuff around points.

Your points will ONLY update when you view your profile page. You can earn the most points by posting and inviting — real content earns more points! For instance, blogs, forums and group participation are worth the most, along with invites. You will also get points for adding comments and adding friends. You can check out the latest standings here

You can check out your current point totals by visiting your profile, it is right below your profile photo. Mouseover the cup icon for the basics of the system and click your point total to see where your points are coming from.

Please note that all stats are retroactive except Invites (unfortunately), so those start from now and may be adjusted as we go.

Keep participating! Thanks for making GovLoop such a vibrant community.


Photo Published Courtesy of Creative Commons License by Flickr user “Rick212”

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Don’t worry – you’re no longer a wannabe.

REMEMBER TO SELECT YOUR PAGE. Points don’t refresh until you select your page

Here are the current categories for member rankings:
0-99: Rookie
100-200: Performer
200-399: Rising Star
400-599: Socialite
600-999: Achiever
1000-1999: Super User
2000-2999: Mega User
3000-5999: Renowned
6000-9999: Legendary
10000+: God

Here are how the points are generated:
5 Points: Per Friend
5 points: Groups Joined
25 points: Blog Posts
10 points: Videos Posted
10 points: Events Added
10 points: Per Comment Made
5 points: Per Comment Received
15 points: Per Forum Posts
20 points: Per Invite Sent

Chris Spoons

I’m new and am just learning about the site and the points system. I just thought I’d chime in and collect my 10 points! πŸ™‚

Kathleen Smith

While new at this, I really like the points system. Not that I am an recovering overachiever or anything, but here I am on Easter morning trying to figure out how to get more points. What I like about this system,is you have to become familiar with the actions before you can be awarded the points.

Paul van der Hart

It’s a good way to create commitment. But what can you do with these points? There once was a British radio panel show, where one of the catchphrases was “points mean prizes!”.

So what’s the prize here?

Charlene Sevier

I’m glad I found this post. I wondered what the points meant and how one acquired them. This explains it very nicely. Thank you.