
2009 Top Ten IT Books-1

Some time back, I had posted an overview 2009 Top Ten IT Books with one-line review of each book. I now post para-long review of each book together its cover photo. As before,however, the reviews will be highly subjective.

When I saw this book in a local bookshop in mid-1990s, I was thrilled. Those indeed were days of dotcom boom when anything about IT used to excite us and a popular book on IT was just lapped up. And MIT professor Negroponte of MIT Media Lab did not disappoint me. Making distinction between atoms (physical world) and bytes (virtual world) the author presented a tantalizing view of the unfolding future. What, however, touched me, as it certainly touched the author, was the fact mentioned by the author that “…the real satisfaction and measure of success is that my seventy-nine-year-old mother now sends me e-mail daily.” (p-237).While the book may have lost its original appeal as much of its content has become familiar by now, the nostalgia remains. Prof Negroponte is now engaged in a remarkable project called OLPC (One Laptop per Child) project founded by him. May his tribe increase!

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