25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online! Are there More?

25 Awesome Virtual Learning Experiences Online

& Other Links to more Distant Learning Sources.
I am sure there are more out there.

If you can’t affort an education, are there other ways to self educate?

Can motivated, underserved persons benefit from such? How?

Universities and other institutions of higher and further education are increasingly turning to VLEs in order to:

  • Economize on the time of teaching staff, especially when they are also involved in research and administration. The extent of the economy over traditional “talk-and-chalk” teaching is not yet clear, but for instructors without web development expertise, using a VLE absorbs less time and produces a more professional result.
  • Provide a service for students who increasingly look to the internet as the natural medium for finding information and resources.
  • Ensure that quality control requirements are met by providing a standard vehicle for collecting the required information
  • Facilitate the integration of distance and campus-based learning or of learning on different campuses.

For example, accredited institutions such as Chapman College University, Touro University, and Adams State College offer online, on-demand teacher training courses for educators to earn graduate credit and/or masters degrees.[3] In the UK schools are being encouraged to make use of learning platforms. The DCSF in the UK government has published an eStrategy[4] outlining priorities that include every learner in schools having access to an online learning space and e-portfolio.


Does it have more or diminished “value$$” in todays world?

Are we bridging edu between the haves & have nots?

Thoughts? Comments?

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Avatar photo Bill Brantley

@Alice – Great resources but I feel that the current US broadband infrastructure just won’t support VLE on a large enough scale. At the University of Louisville, we bought an island in Second Life and several professors tried VLEs but a classroom of students online at once brought the servers to its knees. I still think they are great teaching tools but need more time.

Meanwhile, I am impressed by efforts like Khan’s Academy and work on mobile learning. I believe those are two very promising educational efforts that work today.

Alice M. Fisher

@Henry, thx. resources/information is always a good thing. Even if reposted from time to time so they filter back up to the top for newer groups and people.
@ Bill, I had not heard of Khan’s Academy relative to mobile learning…I will dig deeper.

Key to all of this is cost effective or free sources for the motivated individuals who may not be able to affort costly standard education routes, what are their choices?