Christmas Fairy Tale

This morning (Sunday) I had the rare luxury of doing whatever I liked. I therefore settled down to read: A Landmark Week – and every one of the eighteen Weekly Blog Club posts – ‘cover to cover’. If you haven’t already discovered Weekly Blog Club, I strongly recommend giving it a go – there’s something in there to suit every taste.

As you’d expect at this time of year, several bloggers had chosen a seasonal theme for their post this week:

In my previous post, I said I would continue on about open data, but it’s a dry subject, and I’ve decided to get festive this week instead. After all, it is that time of year.

This is my Christmas Fairy Tale.

There b e-fairies

Image of the Christmas Fairy
The Christmas Fairy?

It began a couple of weeks ago: 28th November, to be precise.

I received an email purporting to be from a fairy at the North Pole. I paid little attention, assuming it was spam that had somehow made it past the filter.

Perhaps it was a bit strange there were no links, promises of unlikely sums of money, or offers of huge growth (financial or otherwise). I’m sure I didn’t give it more than a moment’s thought.

The next day, there was another email, and another the following day. Colleagues started saying they’d been getting emails as well, and people began to speculate about who it was sending the notes which arrived without fail every morning.

Christmas Fairy emails
A succession of emails from the Christmas Fairy

Then, little details started creeping in to the emails, describing things that had happened in the office. It didn’t stop at emails either: stuff started happening. This fairy was real.

Read the rest of this post on my personal blog

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