Gov2.0Camp Drupal for Content Management

At Gov2.0Camp, I provided a small session on Drupal for Content Managers. It was a hands-on class where users were able to make changes to an old site of mine. They were able to edit the theme, edit the administrator’s theme and also added blog posts and changed links. Basically, the goal was to demystify Drupal from the content management piece of the puzzle.

I had a few folks who were more interested in the Drupal coding part (sorry guys, I’m not a developer). If you have questions, I highly recommend you contact Steve Dondley of Prometheus Labor Communications (he hosts the server and has created a number of union web sites using Drupal, including the user community site UnionReview) or contact Sean Robertson, the web devloper for (the site we used and played in).

Here’s the presentation (not sure the embed code will work head to uniongal if the embed is not working):

Note that on the pages at the end, there are additional resources including information about Sean and Steve as well as Drupal groups that you can join if you are developing in Drupal or managing a drupal site at the Fed, State and local levels of Government.

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line and if the embed doesn’t work, you can head over to my site uniongal for the presentation (it’s a Google.doc Presentation and may be blocked by your firewall, as it is blocked by mine).

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