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Mission, Tool, Metrics, Teach: Now a Workshop!

First, my social media mantra was something I said and tweeted: mission, tool, metrics, teach. Then it was a blog post.

Now I’ve created a workshop that I delivered recently at a conference.

It combines several other presentations and things I’ve said and written over the past few years.

At the conference, people sat 4-5 at a table, and I used that natural grouping for small-group discussions, followed by reporting out. That seemed to work well.

It was a 3 1/2-hour session in three parts:

  1. A short icebreaker, followed by watching a couple of videos and discussing after each one, and also discussing the definition of “social media.”
  2. My presenting the bulk of what I’ve done before on why and how to get started in social media.
  3. I walk through each of the four steps (mission, tool, metrics, teach), giving examples of how EPA and other agencies have thought through them, and then give everyone time to write out their own pieces and report out.

The workshop has a set of slides and a handout, and I’ve put both on slideshare, linked to below.

Note: when listing technologies, I was trying hard not to list specific site names, so I had to make up a couple of genres. I certainly name real sites when I’m giving the presentation; I just don’t want to be accused of endorsing specific sites in writing. When I said “business networking,” I had LinkedIn in mind, and when I said “location check-ins,” I had FourSquare in mind. Please let me know if there are better words or accepted genres.

And as always, any other comments and suggestions for improving are always welcome!

Presentation (but remember, this is just the text on screen; the bulk is in more detailed explanations I give and in the group discussions): http://www.slideshare.net/levyj413/social-media-strategy-mission-tool-metrics-teach

Handout: http://www.slideshare.net/levyj413/handout-mission-tool-metrics-teach

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Chris Poirier

Per your usual efforts, this is directly to the point. (I like to the point..could you tell?)

Social media is growing, it changes every day, so the approach and ideas are endless. However, our business really doesn’t change that much, our process might be enhanced or altered, but the mission is always retained. Therefore, your comments on don’t forget where you came from and basically, don’t throw out the baby with the bath water!