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Sales Culture

The discipline of sales does more than provide the funds that power the organization. The skills developed in the practice of sales have a far-reaching effect on the organization.
Sales as Change Agent
The fastest way to change an organization’s culture is to change what customers buy.
The skill to enlarge influence is communication. Selling is about communication. The next new thing is that every effective salesman will have their own web presence, that they design and maintain as a business asset.
If you think leading a group on a mission is difficult, try leading before consensus is developed. Oh, that’s the definition of selling.
Square Deal
Every salesman I know has a healthy respect of the power of the disappointed client. Most weren’t disappointed by design, which doesn’t lessen the pain, and it is better to learn that respect earlier rather than later.
Developing Others
I don’t develop people because it’s some right thing to do, I develop people’s skills to make my life easier and more productive. Training time is way too important to spend on trivial pursuits.
What benefits of the sales culture do you use?

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David Dejewski

Sales is a skill that is often disrespected, but it is critical to the success of any organization – for profit or not.

Clarity of message, calls to action, influence, calls to action… too often, we forget the importance of this when we’re in government.

Excellent post, Dick!