Video tutorial for #dcgov CFOINFO #iphone app now up on #youtube – More to come

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We hate training/instruction manuals. We feel that no one bothers to read pages and pages of text.

With the release of CFOINFO, we are experimenting with video tutorials. As you can tell, video production and demonstration is not exactly our strong suite (Hey we are proud geeks. What do you expect). Although I think my Kevin from my team did a great job with these videos.
Our first #iphone app instructional video is now available on youtube. Link below.
What do you think? Is this an effective way to communicate instructions? It seems to work for Apple. Here’s to hoping it works for us too. Feedback welcome. As are volunteers to create more instructional videos for CFOINFO.
(p.s. follow/search for the DCOCFO channel on YouTube for additional CFOINFO related videos. Also linked on under the “Tips” slide-away menu)

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Firoze Lafeer

Really nice done!

As far as the app itself, I really like the “loop” mode on the graphs.

Some of the other UI choices drift a little from the way things normally work on iPhone apps. (the up/down arrows to me should move to the next/prev group, not within the screen. And “Exit” is really an unusual button on an iPhone app.) Also I assume the UIPageControl (“dots”) ar the secondary method to page through years, presumably you can also just scroll the titles also, right?

Overall, looks like a nice app! and, yes, a great way to show people how to use it.

Sonny Hashmi

Thanks for the comment Firoze! Your points are well taken. We worked closely with Mellmo to utilize their Romabi platform to develop this app. I will communicate your comments to the roambi team for future reference.

Yes the dots are secondary, but it was harder to show the left to right swipe functionality in the emulator video. The swipe works great.

Thanks again!