
Your Guide to Using Everything-as-a-Service

Most government agencies have already invested in cloud solutions to strengthen their IT infrastructure and better serve their mission. But are they getting the most out of these new platforms, software, and servers? Unfortunately, the answer is probably not.

While cloud is saving costs in some places, these solutions are also adding complexity to government networks and hindering many processes from reaching maximum efficiency. This is principally the result of ad hoc deployments of solutions, without first considering the way other systems, processes, and strategies will be impacted. As a result, even as cloud transforms government, it is creating new challenges and, in some instances, preventing government from adopting cloud solutions at all.

To ensure that cloud adoption maximizes its benefits without decreasing the efficiency of the organization, agency officials must craft a holistic strategy before deploying new service models.

In this guide, we explore this strategy of using everything-as-a-service (XaaS). This guide:

  • Explores the benefits of XaaS models. Adaptability, efficiency, and cost effectiveness are just the beginning. Learn how cloud service models can help you elevate your agency’s performance.
  • Considers the risks of cloud integration. Concerns about data privacy and accessibility come with any cloud deployment. XaaS, however, also requires understanding how new applications may improve or disrupt your current processes.
  • Prescribes a roadmap to your appropriate XaaS strategy. There is no one-size-fits-all way to maximize XaaS applications. Determine how to use the cloud in a way that reaps the benefits of service without compromising your data, processes, or security.

By explaining the basics of XaaS strategies and highlighting case studies from the public sector, this guide provides a framework to consider effective cloud service model implementation at your agency.

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