How do you make the most of your meetings? How do you respect (and make the most of) the time of the people you work with?

I’ve had two critical discussions with folks in the last week about the value of meetings, and how we can get more out of them (or have fewer of them). Then I read Scott Berkun’s great piece from last week, “The Cult of Busy” (based on the essay “Why I Stopped Working with Busy People“. All together, it’s made for a week contemplating leaders (and followers) can shape their environment and shape their organization’s results by better managing their time and resources. So in continuing my regular Wednesday leadership question, I ask:

How do you make the most of your meetings? How do you respect (and make the most of) the time of the people you work with?

Read the rest and share your thoughts at Thanks for reading!

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Sam Allgood

1. Be on time and start on time.
2. Keep conversations for one or just a few of the attendees for after the meeting.
3. Be prepared and provide attendees with information to be prepared (let them know what is expected at the meeting).
4. Make sure necessary equipment / files are there and work (includes making sure people doing essential presentations are read).

Andrew D Welch

Thanks! Particularly love items 2 and 3. How many times do we get caught in meetings where 2 people are subjecting the other 10 to something that only matters to the 2?