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Recruitment 411: Don’t talk about it, tweet about it.

Thanks to Twitter, it’s as easy to keep up with your favorite celebrity as it is to stay in touch with your best friend. An estimated 200 million users send more than 65 million tweets every day. These days, if you want people to talk about it, you should tweet about it.

Our Twitter approach in the IRS Recruitment Office is simple: Activity = Results.

The more we actively engage with other users, the more followers we gain. This, in turn, means more people are seeing our official recruitment messages. Twitter is perfect for the casual user. For more ‘official’ uses like ours, we created a formal strategy to outline the who, what, when, where, why and how of our staff’s Twitter activity

We have three primary Twitter accounts.




Each account has its own distinct followers and is used to promote key recruitment messages and provide information about job openings.

To increase the mileage of our messages, we shifted our Twitter activity into high gear. The goal is to tweet as often as possible – preferably at least once a day. One of our ‘tweeters’ signs on most mornings with a ‘welcome-to-the-day’ message before sending recruitment-related tweets. This combination of personal and professional posts helps build rapport with followers.

What Twitter techniques do you use?

Recruitment 411 is the official blog of the IRS Recruitment Office.

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Jon Stabbe

Hi Julie! I’ve found that following organizations that have a similar audience are a great source for increasing followers. It’s also a great relationship building tool with our partner organizations and schools. It’s a win-win situation.