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The many moods of @pauloCanning

Twitter has started its mass roll out of lists and I just created my first of public sector people (and hangers on) I follow.

I laughed out loud when I clicked through to see I’d been already added onto 28 existing lists – and what those list titles are. According to some of my followers, I am alternately:

  • international
  • technology
  • gov-and-local-gov
  • egov
  • publicsector
  • accessibility
  • tech
  • militant-gays
  • gov2010
  • techpolitics
  • localgoveratti
  • social-networkers
  • techies
  • work
  • ukgov20
  • localgovgeeks
  • skeptics
  • localgovweb
  • socialmedia
  • publicsector
  • localgov-ish
  • epicvisionaries
  • politics
  • media
  • accessibility
  • public-sector
  • it
  • gov-uk

Keep ’em guessing is obviously a winning stratagem :]

Lists are really useful for finding others around a specific topic. listorious.com is a good place to find ones already created and there’s ones for top egovernment people, government bodies etc.

The one I’ve created for UK public sector workers and contractors I grew through following links to other’s lists in this area. Listorious has several others created around the ‘government’ theme.

I haven’t analysed this but I’ve noticed that from following my list others have added people found there to their following and hence made connections which they might not otherwise have made.

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