Posts By Shannon Kennedy

Open Government: Government of Catalonia’s Open Data Project a Reality

The Government of Catalonia initiated the Government of Catalonia Open Data Project so that the general public, businesses and other organisations would be able to have access and re-use public sector data. This data will then be able to be used to create value. For the full story visit:’s-open-data-project-is-already-a-realityel-proyecto-datos-abiertos-de-la-generalidad-de-c/?lang=en Favorite

Supporters Rock-Aetna and Execs Lend a Big Hand to Annual “Go Red For Women” Event

According to the Middletown Press, the American Heart Association states that although one in three females in the United States have some form of cardiovascular disease, only 21% of women view heart disease as a health threat. This year, Aetna and two of it’s top executives, Kay Mooney and Deanna Fidler, will lend a bigRead… Read more »

The Intern Report: Interning in D.C

Hello Everyone! Shannon here! I am one of the GovLoop interns this fall. As of today I have officially been here in Washington, D.C for a month! I graduated from Auburn University in August and spent about two weeks at home before I found myself eager to work and learn more about social media IRead… Read more »