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5 Tips A Contractor Should Do To Generate Business

The government contract process is a mission that you continually need to build on.Creating a sound foundation of team-players, regulations, and business savvycan take your company a long way, but first you need to prove yourself. I have shown you how to use, “Sources Sought a s a Marketing Tool” in an earlier post, in addition to giving you a few, “Key Roles in the Government Contract Process“, and also provided you with,”Contractor Responsibilities Post Award“. Now I want to focus on a few tips that you can use to generate business.

You should understand that your company is not the only company that is looking for profitability in the govcon sector. According to the Federal Procurement Data System over Seven and a Half million contractors received government contract awards worldwide in Fiscal Year 2011 alone; this gives you an idea of what you are up against. Generating business is not an easy task and in order to do so you must know the lays of the land. Take a look at my tips for generating business in the federal marketplace.

  • Create a Marketing Plan- A marketing plan is a portion of yourblueprint to building a solid foundation. It doesn’t matter if your business consists of you and another person, or even just YOU creating a realistic written marketing plan could provide you and your business continued profitability.
  • Focus on your core product- Effectively selling your product is key. You need to be able to demonstrate to agencies that you can provide a reliable product, at a reasonable cost, and in a timely manner.
  • Build an Effective Marketing Team- Building an effective marketing team will assist in achieving your vision if your budget will allow. You should hire personnel that are experienced in observing the market trends and that can provide business solutions cohesive with the company’s mission.
  • Build Relationships- Being able to text, tweet, and Facebook has not eliminated good old fashioned face-to-face conversation. Relationship building involves getting out meeting with commercial and federal vendors, government officials, and potential teaming partners. Attending trade shows and conferences can be expensive so try to be selective, but there are definitely inexpensive conferences and seminars to get your brand out there


  • Social Media- Social media has taken on a life of its own. Although face-to-face conversation is needed networking via the web adds to defining who you and your business are in this market. LinkedIn, The Federal
    Contractor Network, and Govloop are a few places to start.

Do you have any other tips to generate business? Let’s hear it.

For government contract consult contact Procurement Source Solutions 800-267-7640

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