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As you embark upon your leadership journey, you may find it challenging to keep building a new team, earning trust, and developing others.  However, remember this acronym, G.I.V.E., and you will find that it is easy to build community, network, camaraderie and trust. To quote Eleanor Roosevelt, former first lady, diplomat and activist, “to handle yourself, use your head. To handle others, use your heart.”

The Process

G.I.V.E. stands for “groupwork ideas valuing everyone”.  Simply put, this means collaborating using everyone’s ideas to fortify mutual relationships.

G.I.V.E. works whether you have remote employees, a hybrid workforce, employees in the same location or multiple locations.  It might take a few tries but partner people with others in the workgroup as you assign projects so that they may learn how to collaborate, brainstorm, and strategize together. For the process to work, the following needs to occur:

  1. Set the parameters and the end goal.  Everything else should be left up to the team.
  2. Have the team check in with you periodically, as well as with the rest of the team.
  3. Monitor the process in case there are missteps or personality issues.
  4. Have the group acknowledge any completed actions as well as those that might be delayed.
  5. Publicly recognize the positives and keep things moving by incentivizing and pinpointing their value.
  6. Make sure that the team members are empowered to make decisions and to seek and make suggestions.
  7. Find a way of replicating the process so that small and large teams can make great strides in accomplishing their mission.
  8. Complete a “lessons learned” assessment upon final completion and have the team members make note of what went right or wrong. 

The Outcome

To use the G.I.V.E. process is to lead from your heart, not your head.  And the more you G.I.V.E., the easier the process becomes.  The more you G.I.V.E., the better your team feels about themselves and about others. The more you G.I.V.E., the more you are inclined to want to use it and will be known for its use.

By adding the G.I.V.E. process to your leadership toolkit, you will gain respect, trust and loyalty.  Other leaders not adept at the process will look to you for guidance and mentorship.  Your team will learn to listen to and respect everyone’s decisions.  You will also gain buy-in easier.  Overall, the G.I.V.E. process is a win-win.

Open your heart, try G.I.V.E. and watch the magic happen!

After retiring from the Federal Government, Sandra Hill launched her business – New Horizen Coaching & Professional Growth Advancement.  She has a passion for coaching (life, business, and career), helping those who seek to build their confidence while facilitating transitions in their personal or professional life. Sandra is a best-selling author, podcast host and writes career coaching articles for Forbes and other industry magazines.

Fulfilling her personal mantra, “Each one Reach one”, Sandra also volunteers with several non-profits and serves as a mentor and partner with local schools. 

Image by bellezza87 at Pixabay

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