Generative Order – Reason for Change

Generally I have used the “generative order” as a theory to understand change. Based on this theory that is based on entropy (also that deals with systems dynamics) following is the brief discussion about when the change occurs.

Change affects everybody. And it will happen again and again, when the entropic equilibrium is disturbed. It is a systemic property. It is not driven by a person nor a simple one factor. It is not a property of personality. It is the intrinsic systemic property. Change happens so political reforms happen. It is not the other-way around.

Many factor comes into play for a change to occur. It is very difficult to visualize changes and the transformations. The only thing that can be understood is the process that facilitaes the change not the final form the change will lead into, until it comes to a rest. As John Zachman points, change is a ’step function’. It is not a liner extrapolation of the past. It is a dynamic evolution of a completely new system, which is very difficult to be envisaged.

From the Theory of Constraints, it is known that the degree of Complexity reduces the degree of Freedom within a certain system boundary. After a certain complexity threshold is reached, the system has to completely metamorphise to overcome the systemic constraint, and to do so, has to evolve into a completely new system. It will not any longer be mere re-form, rather it will be ‘generative’.

Certainty can only be held that long. After a certain threshold it will be the fiefdom of the Uncertainty until the next stable state is reached. While discussing harmony, chaos is presumed. The ceaseless juggle between the two is responsible for producing a newer system.

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Srinidhi Boray

@ Sterling:

David Bohm’s “Implicate Order” is based on Generative Order.

In fact David Bohm’s work goes much further than Peter Senge.

Music Compositions by Mozart and Beethoven showed such order.

Description of Universe Lifecycle is generative. It is clearly observable how “macro” and “micro” affect one another while defying each others order and principles and change occur.

I captured the universe in transformation to describe the generative order in the link below.

Mandelbrot who developed fractals discusses this. He in-fact using his mathematical model predicted how insane the workings of the Wall St was and still is.

Black Swan is also based on this, which discusses effects of randomness and system as a probabilistically deterministic and much vulnerable when random actions go unchecked.

My own view how IT architectures are Generatively transforming

David Peat one of the ardent student of David Bohm runs a learning center at Pari in Italy. He discusses “implicate order” and its relevance to system planning.

Thank you very much for your inquiry. You will experience “synchronicity” and such things when you begin to dwell in this subject.