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Putting the Social in Social Media

Hi All,

Just wanted to point you at this video that I uploaded. It is a presentation I just did at the Advanced Learning Institute’s Social Media in Government Conference in Ottawa, Canada.

Feel free to have a look/listen, leave a comment, etc. The presentation aims at helping you create a more social workplace without focusing on the tools. You can find more of my work at my blog.

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Carlos Jorges Rolales De Correa

I sat through 10 minutes of your 30+ minute lecture, and for my initial reaction to the content I would have to congratulate you on putting together a presentation that is easy to understand and with such a calm lay-back environment. I was a bit hesitant to view and spen more time on the presentation as I feel it is not aimed towards technical oriented individuals. In a constructive criticism manner, your presentation skill is not as professional as I’m used to, I think polishing your public speaking and wording would make your presentations even more excellent.

Nicholas Charney

Thanks Erick – you are right, the presentation wasn’t geared at IT professionals but rather at people looking to form better work relationships. In terms of the presentation style, I am always looking to improve my delivery, however my natural style is very laid back which actually helps win people over. Thanks for taking the time.
