The 90-9-1 Principle of Social Media

Just posted on OZloop – Is this an issue in the States?

What are the implications of The 90 – 9 – 1 Principle for Gov 2.0 and citizen participation? And, indeed, for public servants engaging in robust online discussion.

Here is a presentation given by Crispin Butteriss of Bang the Table on this issue.

So if public servants are to be at the frontline of engagement is 1% sufficient to support Gov 2.0? Do we just leave things to develop organically? Or do we need to be more systematic about it and include online participation in individual performance agreements?

Something to ponder.

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Tim Bonnemann

While one can hardly argue with the observation of participation inequality (i.e. in any given context, some people will participate a lot, others not at all), I have my doubts that there’s a fixed ratio like 90-9-1. It always depends on the kind of application, how participation is defined etc.

Interestingly, as I noted on the Bang the Table blog, the numbers presented on slide 18 of their presentation actually don’t quite fit this so-called principle (37.2% of participants commented at least once).

steve davies

Hi Tim and Gwynne – Agree that participation will vary according to context. Gwynne – Yes, let’s rephrase to read is 10% sufficient. I think it also helps to view this from a collaboration perspective. Some people will lead and innovate, other question, challenge, suggest and others observe. Sound like a lot of project teams I’ve been involved in.

All perfectly normal in my view. The question buzzing around my head is whether we need to do more to encourage and support online participation among public servants so that they talk more freely with the community and each other.

A vexed question, but if that is what is needed and expected then it can’t be ignored.