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The Federal Coach: ‘Managing Up’ in Your Agency

“How do I manage up more effectively?” That’s a question I’m often asked by federal employees, and my first reaction is empathy for the person asking the question and for the supervisor. Clearly there’s a disconnect. Both the employee and the leader are failing to appreciate that they each have responsibilities to help one anotherRead… Read more »

What are the risks of starting an internal community without thinking through effective community management? [Quora]

The question on Quora is expanded to ask: When launching an internal community platform, it’s often quite tempting to get lost in the technology implementation. Now it’s definitely quite important to provide an attractive first release of collabware, but what role does community management play in making the roll out effective? Or is community managementRead… Read more »

White House recognizes Grammy winner on Twitter, links to performance on YouTube

Esperanza Spalding won a Grammy for Best New Artist tonight. She’s an extraordinary talent. Moments after her win, White House new media director Macon Phillips congratulated her on Twitter and linked to a video of her performance at the White House Poetry Jam on YouTube: ] Shortly after that, the White House account shared theRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization”

Ressler’s Rule #12:” He who controls the budget, controls the organization” It has been said that an army travels on its’ stomach but modern organizations travel on a highway of crisp dollar bills. How those dollars are apportioned and spent determines much of the effectiveness of the organization. Without regard to whether the organization isRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy Powers P&G Factory

Environmental Leader tipped us off to the recent wind turbine installation at a Proctor & Gamble plant in The Netherlands. The turbine will supply 17% of the factory’s energy needs, according to the video. P&G says their ultimate goal is to power their facilities with 100% renewable power, and this is certainly a compelling wayRead… Read more »

States respond to President’s nationwide wireless broadband initiative

Last week, President Obama traveled to Marquette County, Michigan to unveil a nationwide, high-speed wireless plan. The initiative received applause from a handful of governors who said the expansion would benefit their local economies and benefit efforts to build out the National Public Safety Broadband Network for first responders. The $18 billion initiative would provideRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Gov20LA – Structured Brainjam – Day 2

Just finished my session of hosting a structured brainjam from Day 2 of Gov 2.0 LA. I wanted to let the community we’ve created a presentation live connecting our notes of the brainjam. Just as this post is, the presentation is in its raw form. I am posting it here for comment, questions and moreRead… Read more »

Food for Thought From #Gov2.0LA

I am going to be honest. No one is twisting my arm this weekend to attend Gov2.0LA. With a backdrop like this, and temperatures in the mid-70s, life is good. Not to mention the rampant ideas and energy-rich conversations going on with a room full of experts dedicated to making government better. Despite my sun-inducedRead… Read more »

The curious tale of the mysterious triangle

The web amplifies. And here’s a good example of how the silliest little thing can go viral. Of how unintentional geekness thrown together in 10 minutes can suddenly end up with people from Cologne to California commenting on that geekness and people saying thank you in quite sweet and lovely ways. On January 12th thisRead… Read more »

Full PRINCE2 Training Manual

Today I would like to share this with you. If you are interested in the PRINCE2 certification I suggest you check out this free manual for assistance on understanding the standard and guidance on the exam, in addition to the official PRINCE2 manual. Frank Turley put this training manual together, whom I interviewed Inside pmStudentRead… Read more »