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Social Media Training for Government: Sample One-Day Workshop

One week ago, I had the opportunity to deliver a 4-hour workshop for the Greater Los Angeles Federal Executive Board (FEB). Over the past couple years, I have delivered a variation of this “101” workshop for:

  • Boston, Chicago and Honolulu FEBs
  • California and Texas Certified Public Managers programs (mostly city and county employees)
  • Federal agencies like the Department of Labor, the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Labor Relations Board
  • Government associations such as the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) and the Training Officers Consortium (TOC)
  • And at Western Springs, IL – a town just outside of Chicago

I’ve tried to tailor it a bit every time, using examples that are relevant to each audience, but the general structure has always remained the same:

  1. Overview of Gov 2.0 / Open Gov
  2. Overview of Web 2.0 / Social Media
  3. Connection Between Gov 2.0 / Open Gov / Web 2.0 / Social Media
  4. Generational Issues: It’s Not Just for “Kids”
  5. Walk-Through of Each Tool: What is it? Why would you use it? Who uses it well? How do you set it up and get started? (includes Blogs, Wikis/Google Docs, Social Networks, Podcasts, Video Sharing, Apps, etc.)
  6. Making the Case (Mission, Goals, Outcomes, Staffing, Audience, Content, Actions, Analysis, etc.)

I have delivered it in a variety of formats that range from one-hour webinars to 2-3 hour conference sessions to full-day, hands-on training workshops where participants were in front of computers – learning and doing in real-time. Here’s the presentation itself:

I hope that it’s fairly comprehensive – it’s pretty much impossible to get through the whole thing in 4 hours and is really best with a full day so that people can dig in and get their hands dirty. So I’d like to learn from you:

  • How would/have you outlined this kind of training?
  • What works?
  • What’s missing?
  • Who else is doing this kind of training for government?

I’ve seen others ask a variation of these questions here, here and here on GovLoop before. We’d like to be a resource as we’re convinced (as is Jeffrey Levy πŸ™‚ that education is the key to increasing adoption of these tools for both internal and external use by government organizations.

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Adriel Hampton

Andy, I’m doing trainings like this, and while there is a lot of overlap in our material, there is also a lot of divergence. I also have too much material for four hours πŸ˜‰ Definitely want to go through your slides more closely and think about the areas you call out.

Areas that I include that I don’t see in this presentation that are pretty well established in Gov 2.0 are ideation (IdeaScale, Spigit, UserVoice, BrightIdea and examples of their use in government both internal and external); and photos – I try to do a pretty robust Flickr social media integration component. I also do LBS, even though good government examples don’t abound.

And NO on the 3.0 stuff. Not only is it not a reality, much of what you list on that slide is firmly part of the Web 2.0 rubric, and cloud is a provisioning/agile infrastructure issue, not a 3.0.

Besides that, always love your slide decks, and appreciate you sharing πŸ™‚

Joe Flood

I’ve done some SM training myself and one thing I’ve pointed out is that we all live in a social media world now, whether we like it or not. Your work as public servants is going to be discussed on twitter, facebook, blogs, etc… It’s better that you be part of that conversation.

Andrew Krzmarzick

@Adriel – Great feedback. Thanks, buddy. You’re right: I don’t have much around ideation – maybe a slide on crowdsourcing related the Better Buy Project. And I don’t have photo sharing because I am not fully convinced of the overall value. Though it’s very popular for people to view photos (especially after events and they are looking for themselves!), I’m open to being persuaded: How do photos deliver value to citizens in and of themselves? I can see photo sharing as an entry point for other forms of engagement…but that really makes it more a means to an end vs. a valuable end in itself. Thoughts?

Adriel Hampton

Same reason you put photos on your slides – images are EXTREMELY important to any communication efforts. Text just can’t convey all that photos can, and I think they absolutely need to be a part of any integrated social media effort. In my practice with the City Attorney’s Office, not only is Flickr a way to connect with others, but it draws in people who never comment on our other social media, and it gives us material to share on Twitter and illustrate our blog posts. People LOVE photos. Great examples as WSDOT, where there photos end up in the media coverage of their work, and Dan Slee’s great blog posts on Flickr for local gov’t – links here http://adrielhampton.com/flickr/

Jeffrey Levy

This looks like great stuff, Andy. I have to say I’m amused that you mentioned me as if that would add Klout … I mean clout πŸ˜‰ … to your point.