Posts Tagged: govie

Recruitment 411: Ambition vs. Institutional Knowledge

This morning during my daily canvas of various news sites and online articles, I came across a blog titled The Perfect Talent Storm. The writer talks about a talent shortage on the horizon for the U.S. workforce. He pinpoints three primary causes of this looming problem: shifting workforce demographics, a less educated society and theRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Private industry tips for public agencies – Part II

This is the second part of a series inspired by Susan Ward’s article on featuring “Ten tips for attracting employees.” I am responding to Susan’s tips for business owners with my take about how government agencies can use them to promote their jobs. 6. Offer employees some way to move upwards. It’s not thatRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: We Salute You!!

This week marks the 27th annual Public Service Recognition Week celebration around the country. Budget restrictions are keeping activities on a more subtle scale this year – casualties include the annual street fair on the National Mall in DC. Additionally, the current political atmosphere makes it an interesting time altogether to be a public employee.Read… Read more »

Recruitment 411: It’s great to be a govie!

There are millions of government workers around the country, each with a different reason for seeking out a government job… and a different reason for staying. Government employees — whether local, state or federal — tend to have a sense of camaraderie with each other. This is especially prominent as public opinion toward government andRead… Read more »