Federal agencies are undertaking IT modernization efforts to substantially change the way IT shops are structured. Successful IT modernization projects help improve the delivery of services that support the mission. It also lays the groundwork for continued technological advancement and innovation.
Agencies face an overwhelming choice when it comes to what technology they should focus modernization efforts on. Fortunately, there are ways to ease the transition. A network that is secure, scalable and reliable can bridge the IT gap of the past, present and future. What’s more, it can enable virtualization through low-latency, high-throughput connectivity – providing improved cyber posture, simplified cloud adoption, and actionable data to improve efficiencies.
The network is the foundation that enables the delivery of innovative IT modernization solutions that government employees and constituents can use either onsite or remotely. In other words, it can make or break how effectively and efficiently an agency can meet the needs of the business and the mission.
Below are agencies’ IT modernization success stories by virtue of a secure, reliable network.
Success: The Census Bureau will now comply with the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) initiative, making the census process more secure for 125 million households.
How: The Census Bureau tapped CenturyLink to help digitize the 2020 Census by providing the agency Managed Trusted IP Services at speeds of 40 Gbps or higher
Success: A federal law enforcement agency saved $30 million in capital expenses.
How: The agency received a CenturyLink-funded infrastructure upgrade, which streamlined certain operations, such as the agency’s contract and management models.
Success: A Department of Defense (DoD) agency greatly improved its end-user experience.
How: The agency upgraded more than 3,500 Wi-Fi access points at one installation to optimize coverage.
Success: A DoD innovation lab automated the management of logistics functions enterprisewide.
How: The lab developed an IoT-driven smart factory, and a digitized and connected production facility, with the help of CenturyLink.
Success: A federal agency increased its productivity.
How: The agency leveraged adaptive networking solutions that deliver always-available data and fast, secure cloud connections.
Although agencies’ IT modernization needs differ, a common theme threads through them: connectivity. And at the core of that connectivity is the network. Without those elements, agencies would not be able to deliver services, meet missions or serve citizens.
This blog post is an excerpt from our new report, The Foundation for Your Agency’s IT Modernization Success, which talks about ways to design and maintain the right foundation to enable IT modernization.
Download the entire report here to learn best practices for creating network-driven solutions for modernization.

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