
Social Media Use in Local Government

Hi everyone,

My name is Alan Huynh and I’m currently researching the factors that best determine the success rate of a local government utilizing social media.

The survey can be taken at http://bit.ly/socmediasurvey and would love for everyone to take it.

I look forward to sharing my data once I get done with my research paper.

Thanks for your interest and feel free to email me or msg me if you have any questions.



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Bart Gysens

Hey Alan

We did a similar research (in the field) for the region of Flanders in Belgium (Europe).
This got launched yesterday.
It was a very interesting research with some cool results.
It now acts as a wiki for cities and civilians to keep it updated.

Website: http://www.socialmediavlaanderen.be

(in dutch but readable in english through google)

Just to let you know, good luck!

Bart Gysens

Marc Drummond

What’s your age? *

* Young (18-35)
* Medium (36-55)
* Old (55+)

Just put the age bands, not young, medium and old. That sort of language turns people off and will likely skew the results of your survey.