Challenges are ahead for a 21st century government workforce that will cope with more competition and a wave of retirements. In the private sector, HR is changing rapidly to accommodate modern business and cultural needs. Formalized and standard meetings are giving way to new forms of evaluation and review, and workforces are beginning to see real improvements in employee performance.
Some of the most impactful, important changes in human resources management, however, have been slower to trickle into the government workforce. But this is changing.
Today, government realizes it needs an HR transformation, which requires the all-around revamping of the processes and technology in place that government uses to manage its human capital and resources. As the “Silver Tsunami,” or the generation of Baby Boomers that makes up a large part of workforces, makes its way to retirement and government needs to recruit a new crop of talent, the question must be asked: Are agencies ready?
In this booklet, we’ll examine some of the most important areas for improvement, including compliance, performance management and project implementation. You’ll also hear from leaders in government HR about how they’re making real-time changes to their operating model.